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with the flavour of Apulia

the unique taste of apulian dairy art

Moré is the place where hand-maded delicacies are worked daily to fulfil a commitment. A commitment to offer, as an artisanal Apulian dairy, the best of the tradition that is typical of our land, unique in all its simplicity, care and awareness. At Moré we love everything we do, but, above all, we love the thing that each product can be transformed into an experience that enhances the Apulian’s special flavours. From the beginning of the handwork to the first bite.


We only process local certified milk in our laboratory, selected by our Master Cheesemakers as a  quality assurance. 

There are six production lines on which we passionately employ our time, our experience, and the in-depth skills we have developed in about twenty years of activity. Fresh, super fresh, semi-aged, aged, delicate and pizza products are available in all varieties all year round.

The craftsmanship of each product makes its special, entrusted to skilled hands that know the secrets of the smallest ingredient and the entire process.

caseificio morè
burrata morè
nodini le delizie casearie

Burrata that tells a story

It is the story of a treasure that smells of stracciatella, kept in a spun paste casket ready to open itself with wonderful generosity.

It is the story of a tradition that reinvigorates itself over time, that is moulded to take on new shapes commanded by the hands.

It is the story of a love for genuine things, inspired by the territory and ambassadors to the world of true Italian quality.

uffici le delizie casearie
contatti morè
insegna morè


We are organised to sell and distribute our product throughout Italy and abroad. From Apulia, our delicacies reach pizzerias, restaurants, wholesalers, companies operating third party, and activities linked to the world of professional cuisine that recognise in Moré’s products the same quality they want to offer their clients.

We work hard to handle orders punctually and efficiently. Special requests are challenging for us and also welcome. We can customise some of our products, based on an agreed minimum order quantity, to enhance their extraordinary taste while still respecting their original characteristics.